You must not use any NSAIDs or blood thinning supplements for at least one week after the treatment and discontinue the consumption of alcohol and caffeine for at least 72 hours after the treatment - the chemicals in these products have a blood thinning effect on the body, reducing its ability to clot and exacerbating bruising and swelling.
Alcohol and caffeine can also have a dehydrating effect on the body, decreasing the available fluid for lipolysis - the breakdown of fat molecules.
You must sleep on your back, face up, with the head slightly elevated to help reduce swelling (if the treatment was carried out on, or above the neck line), until the swelling has completely subsided - elevating a swollen area above the level of the heart helps the extra fluid to move back towards the heart for circulation to other parts of the body, thus reducing swelling faster and more efficiently.
You must avoid activities that involve the radiation of heat or an increase to core body temperature such as sun bathing, saunas, and hot tubs, for at least one week after the treatment, as this will exacerbate swelling - swelling is caused by bleeding in the tissue, and heat draws more blood to the area, exacerbating swelling.
Sun exposure can also have a dehydrating effect on the body, decreasing the available fluid for lipolysis - the breakdown of fat molecules.
You must avoid strenuous exercise for at least one week after the treatment for multiple reasons - exercise leads to sweating, and sweat can mix with the bacteria on the skin, contaminating the treated area and leading to infection. In addition to this, exercise also increases core body temperature and blood flow, which can exacerbate bruising and swelling as more blood is drawn to the treated area. An increase in blood flow will also accelerate the metabolism of the administered product before its diffusion and tissue integration are complete, which will lead to substandard results.
An average of one litre of fluid is also lost per hour of strenuous exercise - this can have a dehydrating effect on the body, decreasing the available fluid for lipolysis - the breakdown of fat molecules.
You must not use topical hair or skin care products and must avoid any hair removal or hair dying treatments for at least 48 hours after the treatment - this can lead to skin irritation.
If a subsequent treatment is due to be applied in close proximity to the treated area, this may only be done once it has fully healed.
You must eat below your basal metabolic rate and continue to do so after the treatment - eating above your basal metabolic rate or consuming meals high in calories/sugars/fats will lead to fat accumulation, this newly formed fat will replace the fat that was dissolved.
You must drink plenty of water (4-5 litres, daily) for at least two weeks after the treatment and must not consume alcohol, caffeine or foods with diuretic or dehydrating effects on the body for at least 72 hours after the treatment - water is a major component of the blood and dehydration reduces the bodies blood volume, which reduces oxygen and nutrient delivery to the wound bed, impairing wound healing and therefore recovery.
Adequate hydration will also optimise the effects of lipolysis - the breakdown of fat molecules.
You must avoid touching the treated area or applying make up for at least six hours after the treatment to avoid exposing the treated area to any bacteria - leading to infection.
You must not fly for at least two weeks after the treatment - the changes in cabin pressure can cause blood vessels to leak into the treated areas, which will dramatically increase swelling and bruising.
You must avoid the application of pressure against the treated area or the surrounding areas for at least one week after the treatment, this means avoiding tight fitting clothing or accessories and treatments that involve firm pressure or massages - this can cause irritation to the treated area and displace the administered product.
You should avoid or limit cigarettes and vapes where possible for as long as possible after the treatment - smoking reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood and narrows the blood vessels, impairing wound healing and therefore recovery.
You may apply a sterile, cold compress to the treated area, to help reduce swelling, until the swelling has completely subsided - cold temperatures will help to constrict the blood vessels, decreasing circulation and reducing swelling.
You may take anti-histamines, as directed by the manufacturer, to help reduce swelling, until the swelling has completely subsided - histamine is a chemical that causes blood vessels to expand and the skin to swell. Anti-histamines work by blocking the effects of histamine, which reduces swelling.
You may take acetaminophen or paracetamol to help manage any discomfort after the treatment.
If you have been supplementing with Arnica tablets prior to the treatment, continue supplementation with Arnica tablets for one week after the treatment, as directed by the manufacturer. You may also use topical Arnica, as directed by the manufacturer, until swelling and bruising has subsided. Arnica is believed to lead to vasodilation, the opening of blood vessels - this inhibits blood and other fluids from accumulating in the treated area, which helps to reduce swelling and enables the body to re-absorb any bruising.
If you have previously suffered from cold sores and are having fat dissolving injections administered in close proximity to the mouth area, there is a risk that the needle punctures from the treatment could contribute to another eruption of cold sores - if cold sore medication (such as Acyclovir) was started two days prior to the treatment, continue to take the medication after the treatment until the area has fully healed to help mitigate this risk.
After the treatment, there may be mild bleeding, scabbing, slight redness, bruising, swelling, tenderness and an itching sensation in the treated area - this is a normal side effect of the treatment and generally disappears after a few days - if any of these symptoms continue after a week, or if any other reactions occur, please contact the clinic.
If the needle makes contact with a blood vessel - the blood vessel can leak and cause an internal bruise, this is known as a hematoma which is essentially a word used to describe a bad bruise. A hematoma occurs when blood leaks outside of a blood vessel, it can look dark in colour and feel lumpy but the blood will be re-absorbed by the body and the colour and texture will soon return to normal. It can take up to two weeks for a hematoma to resolve and they often appear worse before improving.
If a lump appears please do not massage it, as it is likely swelling. If a lump that has been caused by swelling and trauma is massaged, it will become aggravated and cause further inflammation. It is best to leave the lump alone and let it heal. If a lump has not resolved on its own within two weeks, contact the clinic for further advise.
I will massage any lumps out during the appointment if necessary.
Although you may notice your results relatively quickly after your first treatment, the product needs time to break down and remove fat molecules. It is for this reason that the best results of the treatment are not visible until two to four weeks after the last treatment.
It will take one to three treatments spaced two weeks apart to achieve optimum results. Once this has been achieved, results are permanent - as long as there are no changes to body composition that lead to an increase in fat tissue accumulation.